This month we report in-depth on the state of the European market and its prospects for 2025, and how infrastructure development is bearing fruit in Cyprus. As the big thaw begins, we track new signs of life in the Finnish market and spotlight the latest developments boat autonomy, remote monitoring and foiling. Plus we talk strategy with Marine Sustainable Engines, Evoy, CMC Marine, Hallberg Rassy and more…




Insight: CMC Marine | Marine Sustainable Engines | Evoy

Market Focus: In-depth reports on Europe, Finland & Cyprus

Sector Focus: Foiling | Security & monitoring

Regulars: Editor's Comment | Appointments | World News | Sustainability

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Issue Highlights

Check out the interactive edition of the August/September issue of IBI which features live links and video content. 

With the market braced for a challenging first half to the year, our annual European round-up gauges the potential of a rebound in Q3/4 for the key markets and their expectations for 2025; We spotlight the burgeoning potential of Cyprus as infrastructure investment begins to bear fruit; and investigate Finland’s market, as green shoots emerge through the ice.

We report on Barcelona, Spain-based electric motor manufacturer Marine Sustainable Engines’ power play for market share through collaboration and partnership;and talk to Magnus Rassy on the launch of Hallberg Rassy’s new flagship 69 and handing the reins to the next generation.

We profile developments at Evoy and Italian stabiliser specialists CMC Marine; and we give a full preview of what to expect from METSTRADE 2024 complete with floorplan and leadership insights from Breakfast Briefing keynote and highly experienced skipper and President of Operations for New York Yacht Club American Magic, Terry Hutchinson.

This month our in-depth product sector reports track the latest developments in boat autonomy tech and remote monitoring and we reveal how advances in foiling wing designs, accurate height sensors and real-time data collection is allowing OEMs to develop foiling boats that use up to 80% less energy for propulsion.


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