Pressure point as OEM orders slump and poor weather puts dampeners on aftermarket
New model and series launches planned as builders look to future-proof by extending product envelopes in race for marketshare
Despite the short-term pain of the slowdown that has seen boat registrations slump, government-backed investment in marinas hints at promise of rewards and brighter prospects longer term
It is a case of when, not if, the French market rallies after a disappointing Q1 forced many in the industry to modify their expectations for the year ahead.
Despite supply chain disruptions, recruitment issues and rising inflation, French equipment companies remain cautiously upbeat
After two years of strong growth and full order books, the main French boatbuilders are upbeat despite an uncertain future
Hopes for a soft landing could well be realised as market momentum carries through despite headwinds
Boat exports in units and values; French boat production numbers and key boat and equipment manufacturer stats
The Boat Division CEO on the 10-year manufacturing plan
Keys numbers including boat exports in units/value and boat production turnovers
Interest in boating rockets as freedom on the water proves perfect antidote to Covid restrictions
Resilient in the face of strict pandemic lockdowns in 2020, theKey indi boating market has been buoyed by a renewed passion for being on the water
Export and production number and other keys stats for French boating sector
20 new models to be launched in second half when dealer restocking programmes anticipated to take effect; 2024 net income fell by 47% but overall Group declares strong financial position
French cat builder unveils its largest powercat and smallest sailing cat to date
Ropeye makes high-end hardware for competitive sailing and cruising
Constance Brément will work alongside Sylvia Ernoult
The appointment marks a new strategic phase for the French cat builder